Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Night Whisper

New to the Amazon Kindle Store

Chapter 1 - Death by Night
Chapter 2 - Stalked by Love
Chapter 3 - Intruder in My Bed or Victim of the Night, I Can't Tell
Chapter 4 - I'd Like You to Meet My Boyfriend. The One with the Fangs.
Chapter 5 - Girls Have to Hate
Chapter 6 - Hot Nerd in the Studio
Chapter 7 - A Special Evening
Chapter 8 - Death Walker
Chapter 9 - What Have I Become
Chapter 10 - Sister... Sister Where Are You?
Chapter 11 - Reunion into Secrets and Lies
Chapter 12 - Enters Vince and the Dark One
Chapter 13 - Dead Man Among the Living
Chapter 14 - Betrayal
Chapter 15 - Good-bye Demitri
Chapter 16 - A Family of Killers
Chapter 17 - Who Done It?
Chapter 18 - Father and Son Disappear
Chapter 19 - In the End I'm Left with Nothing
Chapter 20 - The Dawning
Description: It is hard enough protecting her from serial killers, but now vampires too! She said that this one was a Volturi. That is impossible! They do not know where I am! Not now, they cannot be looking for me now!
         I am Lieutenant Demitri Leonardo of the Unsolved Mysteries Division, year to date I have killed fifty innocent lives, fifty criminals, and over one hundred and sixty serial killers, and my story has only begun.
        Salvation… such a meaningless word since the death of my beloved mother.
        In 1508, at the age of ten, my chance at salvation was taken when a ruthless Volturi lord named Sethus refused to take my life; finding it more amusing to transform me into a vampire shortly after the death of my beloved mother. Because of this, I was unable to be reunited with her in death. In the darkness of this ancient culture, I was left hopeless and distraught as my humanity found my new vampiric cravings to be an unbearable and disgusting habit.
     Receiving the rejection of my coven, I found myself alone in the world. I fled from my country to find the means to live a normal human way of life once again. I ended up in the state of Virginia where I bumped into a man named Trace DeBlue who enlisted me in a strange human organization with the initials S.W.A.T. Though this organization, I found my salvation once again by saving innocent lives and also gaining a way to feed my vampiric nature without raising suspicion.
     While resting from my hunts one night, I stumbled across a television broadcast called Night Whisper and was extremely intrigued by the enchanting human female producer who somehow managed to ignite my deepest desires.
     I suddenly felt that opportunity was smiling upon me twice; with her broadcast I could satisfy my hunger by taking down even more prey and if fate allowed, through this woman, I could once again cherish the love of an unconditional heart; something I had lost after the death of my beloved mother.