Wednesday, October 25, 2017

New Book just in

Just in from Thompson Legacy Publishing! Available in paper back and coloring book form. The book is $3.99 and the coloring book is $4.99. The E-book will be coming to the Kindle Store in the coming months.

This is Book 1 of a beloved Christian tale by new author Deborah Askew.

Once there were children who were given special gifts and talents from God. These children grew up and became adults. Somewhere during life the adults forgot their gifts and how to use them, maybe because of distractions, maybe because of responsibilities, or maybe because of life pressures. The adults never lost the gifts they just forgot how to use them.

God created more children. These children also were gifted by God to perform miracles. They were bestowed with various gifts and talents before leaving Heaven to reside on Earth in human bodies.

Do not be surprised if you are one of these miracle workers destined to perform greater works for God's Kingdom.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Book in progress update

I am not just one of the founders of the company, I am an author. I am in the process of writing my Joseph story. The story of how I was rejected because of a unique gift God gave me, thrown in the pit of hell by the church leaders who spiritual raised me, and crucified by demonic onslaughts sent to me to destroy my life and future.

This over six year account of my life does not end there. In my hell I found Jesus and the True Living God, I saved the life of my husband, was given the Promise of a legacy of four children, and given a church of my own where I would never have to be ashamed again of my gift to save the broken through Love.

My testimony is that I was rejected, beaten, crucified, and resurrected all to gain the knowledge of how to save the sinners Jesus so loves. And my story is not over just yet. I am still awaiting the final chapter to manifest.

- I have been crucified with Christ and no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me. - Galatians 2:20 NIV

I died not for myself but so that the people living in deep darkness can experience the True Love of God.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Night Whisper

New to the Amazon Kindle Store

Chapter 1 - Death by Night
Chapter 2 - Stalked by Love
Chapter 3 - Intruder in My Bed or Victim of the Night, I Can't Tell
Chapter 4 - I'd Like You to Meet My Boyfriend. The One with the Fangs.
Chapter 5 - Girls Have to Hate
Chapter 6 - Hot Nerd in the Studio
Chapter 7 - A Special Evening
Chapter 8 - Death Walker
Chapter 9 - What Have I Become
Chapter 10 - Sister... Sister Where Are You?
Chapter 11 - Reunion into Secrets and Lies
Chapter 12 - Enters Vince and the Dark One
Chapter 13 - Dead Man Among the Living
Chapter 14 - Betrayal
Chapter 15 - Good-bye Demitri
Chapter 16 - A Family of Killers
Chapter 17 - Who Done It?
Chapter 18 - Father and Son Disappear
Chapter 19 - In the End I'm Left with Nothing
Chapter 20 - The Dawning
Description: It is hard enough protecting her from serial killers, but now vampires too! She said that this one was a Volturi. That is impossible! They do not know where I am! Not now, they cannot be looking for me now!
         I am Lieutenant Demitri Leonardo of the Unsolved Mysteries Division, year to date I have killed fifty innocent lives, fifty criminals, and over one hundred and sixty serial killers, and my story has only begun.
        Salvation… such a meaningless word since the death of my beloved mother.
        In 1508, at the age of ten, my chance at salvation was taken when a ruthless Volturi lord named Sethus refused to take my life; finding it more amusing to transform me into a vampire shortly after the death of my beloved mother. Because of this, I was unable to be reunited with her in death. In the darkness of this ancient culture, I was left hopeless and distraught as my humanity found my new vampiric cravings to be an unbearable and disgusting habit.
     Receiving the rejection of my coven, I found myself alone in the world. I fled from my country to find the means to live a normal human way of life once again. I ended up in the state of Virginia where I bumped into a man named Trace DeBlue who enlisted me in a strange human organization with the initials S.W.A.T. Though this organization, I found my salvation once again by saving innocent lives and also gaining a way to feed my vampiric nature without raising suspicion.
     While resting from my hunts one night, I stumbled across a television broadcast called Night Whisper and was extremely intrigued by the enchanting human female producer who somehow managed to ignite my deepest desires.
     I suddenly felt that opportunity was smiling upon me twice; with her broadcast I could satisfy my hunger by taking down even more prey and if fate allowed, through this woman, I could once again cherish the love of an unconditional heart; something I had lost after the death of my beloved mother.